Wuzhishan Copyright Protection Center
Located at the foothill of Wuzhishan Mountain on the subtropical Island and Province of Hainan (海南) in the South China Sea the new Copyright Protection Center is meant to become an important cultural node for Wuzhishan City (五指山). After the coastal City of Sanya, Wuzhishan City developed to an inland touristic destination in close proximity to the rich natural recourses of the Wuzhi Mountain (“Five Finger Mountain”), the highest mountain in Hainan. The area is also known for its local ethnic group, the Li Tribe, who preserved a rich local culture and exquisite craft.
The task to design the building complex included not only the functions, necessary for the production and administration of local cultural radio and film programs by the owner, China Radio International, and Zhongguang Bowen Culture Communication Co., LTD, but also to create a center of exchange, learning and events for music, theater and other functions. The center includes an extended stay hotel for radio personnel-in-residence, experts’ apartments and a conference and event center next to recording studios training- and office spaces. The complex is deliberately open to the public, facing the entrance to the city in the south with a large plaza, including retail opportunities.
From the distance the overall complex creates a clearly identifiable landmark. The strong rectilinear staggered volumes with their perforated façade systems are a reference to the dynamics of the context and allowing the building and the landscape to merge indistinguishably as the building reacts to the steep hillside on the site. With this strategy we aimed at the quality of the working environment in this comfortable warm subtropical climate. Spaces are supposed to flow unhindered from inside to outside, where only occasional thresholds, solar screens, or the change in the flooring material to vegetation are a vague reminder of building vs. landscape.

Building Type: Office, Resort Hotel
Location: Wuzhishan, Hainan Province, China
Client: China TV Copyright Protection Center
Service: Urban Design, Architectural Design
Site Area: 2.0 ha / 5.0 acres
Floor Area: 23,759 sqm / 255,740 sqft
Proposal: July 2014
Team: Lars Gräbner, Christina Hansen, Yukun Xu, Shaoxuan Dong, Kelly Raczkowski
Local Design Institute: Golden Land Architecture Design Institute